Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day 20 Our last day in Hanoi

With visa finally in hand we are ready to head for home. Seven hours from now we will be boarding the first plane back to Buffalo, arriving home Friday afternoon. A heartfelt thank you to the Hoang Ngoc staff for making our stay so comfortable, all of you had such a positive effect on our stay in your country. We never in our wildest dreams expected to encounter so many people as friendly and helpful as you all have been. We feel very fortunate to have met you all. As our baby boy grows, we will tell him often of the wonderful people we stayed with.

Thank you Mr. Tad, Mrs. Jorie, Miss Laura and everyone else at Orphans Overseas for uniting us with our son. Thank you for the hard work all of you put into making our dream come true. You will all have a special place in our hearts always.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007



Karen and Tanner had their second interview with the embassy today and his visa will be ready to pick up Thursday afternoon!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Tanner had his physical today. The doctor said he is very healthy and strong. He weighs 15.9 pounds. We still don't know his length, by that time Tanner had enough of the doctor and stopped cooperating. He had a slight fever due to teething, he has two top teeth coming in now too. All in all the doctor was very impressed with Tanners health and size, he gave a lot of credit to his nanny. Tanner is also starting to eat more at one time agian. He ate 5 and 6 ounces at his last two feedings.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Days 11 and 12

Karen had her first interview with the U.S. Embassy Tuesday, Day 11. The whole thing was short and sweet, but the officer gave us a little scare by saying that the approval usually takes four business days but could be stretched to two weeks because of an investigation into Phu Tho. However, Bridget had her interview next with the same agent and was told something completely different. We have since learned that the term "investigation" is used pretty loosely at the embassy and isn't necessarily something to worry about. We're praying to get info. on Tanner's visa on Monday.
Today, Wednesday day 12, Tanner was supposed to have his physical at the SOS Clinic. The hospital ended up having some kind of emergency and they cancelled all appts. They have been rescheduled for tomorrow. We're anxious to find out how much he weighs. Once this appt. is out of the way there will be just one final interview with the embassy to receive Tanner's visa and they can come home!
Karen had a little incident with nature this morning. Apparently mini Godzilla found his way into the hotel room. There are little lizards in Vietnam, we had one in our room while I was there and they're difficult to catch. They are fast! To make matters worse (or funny, from our point of view) there was a bit of a language barrier with the receptionist. She was trying to explain that there was an unwanted guest in the room and he apparently thought she was trying to order breakfast! MMMM, I wonder what you'd dip that in. Once they were on the same page, some poor guy had to run around the room trying to catch this thing. In the end the lizard found refuge behind the air conditioner. So, Karen is now armed with one of those electrified fly swatters! I wish there were a video!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Post from Buffalo

Karen is having trouble with the internet connection and asked me to post for her. Friday was yet another rainy day in Hanoi. I guess that's why they call it the rainy season.
And silly us didn't even think to bring an umbrella! She and Tanner stayed in the hotel all day. Apparently since I've left he won't even let her out of his sight. Poor little guy, as if I needed more to feel bad about, now he thinks I left him :(
Karen met Sandy and Randy today. Tad and Jorie are supposed to be in late Saturday. Tanner has regressed a little with his eating. He's back down to 4 oz. every three hours from six oz. every 4 to 5 hours. He may just be getting fuller faster now that he is getting 1/2 american formula with 1/2 Vietnamese formula. His eating habit changed when the formula changed. He's eating the same amount in one day, just less at a time.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Days 5 and 6

We got a little behind in our posting. Yesterday was another rainy day in Hanoi. Every time we thought the rain would let up enough to get to the park, it would start again. We ended up going back to the mall instead just so that we could walk around. We found some very tasty chocolate there! The rest of the day we spent taking pictures and making movies of our baby boy. We had hoped to post some clips, but the file format is not compatible with Blogger. We'll have to find a good conversion program so we can get some up.

This morning we met with Mr. Linh and Mr. Dat to fill out the I600 application. There were a lot of typos in the paperwork from Phu Tho so we're waiting for those to be corrected before we make our appt. for the I600 interview. Everything is supposed to be ready to go this afternoon, so we're hoping for an interview on Tuesday. Monday is a US holiday and the Embassy will be closed. We heard that a Typhoon hit central Vietnam last night and that 200,000 people had to be evacuated. We had some hard rain in Hanoi last night, but that was about it. It did stay rain free long enough today to finally go to the park! It was cloudy and breezy today so it kept the temperature down. Funny though, the humidity seems to be 9000% no matter what the weather is doing! We enjoyed our walk though and the park is beautiful. I would love to see it in the spring time when everything is in bloom.

Unfortunately, this is my last day here and I leave for the airport later tonight. Needless to say I feel uneasy about leaving Karen and Tanner here, but I know they are in good hands. The hotel staff has been amazing. We also heard that there are two families arriving over the next two days and I think two more next week. Congratulations to those families, you are in for a great ride.

Tanner is doing great. He is already eating 6 ounces of a Vietnamese/American formula mix at one time and he lets you know if he hasn't had enough. Last night he slept 6 hours between feedings and then slept until morning. He is very smiley and can be quite talkative. We got him a teether when we were at the mall yesterday, he seems to be bothered by the teeth he has coming in.

Karen and Tanner: I am already missing you two tremendously. We will all be anxiously waiting for you to come home. I love you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 4

First, we wanted to thank everyone for their comments. We look forward to reading them each afternoon. Thank you for all of your prayers, so far everything has gone very smoothly. This morning we applied for Chungs passport. It was pretty painless, it was kind of like being at the DMV. After that was all done, we went shopping for baby clothes. We bought three outfits and a toy for $20.00. Not bad. We had hoped to finally make it to the park today, but it is a rainy day. Maybe tomorrow.